Thursday, May 31, 2007

The Science of Mona Vie, Posted by Robert Paisola



According to the UCLA Center for Human Nutrition, the four most consumed plant foods (fruits or vegetables) in America are:French fries, ketchup, pizza sauce and iceberg lettuce!Is it any wonder that obesity has become an epidemic and that even children are now afflicted with many of the "lifestyle" diseases once reserved for older people?

Yes, we all know we should eat more fruits and vegetables. But lives are busy. Quick meals are often a necessity. Fresh produce is expensive in many locales. We tend to get bored with apples, bananas and oranges. Parents don't have time to enforce healthy eating habits upon their children. Because of the powerful phytonutrients from the broad color spectrum of nutrient-dense fruits in MonaVie, here at last is a product that might well make up for many of the diet deficiencies in countries around the world.

The fact that it tastes delicious is purely a bonus!

Set aside the slices of pepperoni for a moment, and look at a "Slice of Life" as it relates to the American diet. Unfortunately, there are parallels in other nations as well.

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